(if you are reading this, uhh... try reloading?)
(if that didn't work: msg me on discord, cuz something major is fucking up and i wanna know so i can fix it :3 im @cupofdirtfordinner. ty!!)

ignore the rest of this stuff. it's just for SEO. mostly past usernames and stuff.

cupfdirtfordinner, cupofdirtfordinr, cuppadirtfordnr, cupofdirtfordinr, wikifeet (that was my minecaft usernam UNTIL MY MOJANG ACC GOT HACKED WTF), pregnantJosh45, cupofdirtfordinner (no change), coolest javascript effects ever of all time ever 2017

games and toys!!
i am very proud of making these

my friends!!
(or, the ones w/ websites)
  • greymesa
  • n1swordSlasher (gang just call him slash)
  • tea332 (tea331)
  • quotes from tea332
    • "huh hah! Saussage Party is such a funny movie." -tea332
    • "Ummm.Sausage Party." -tea332
    • "anonymous does no forgive. anonymous does not forget." -tea332
    • "yo hombre. I'm in MS-13 too *shakes maraccas*" -mexican tea332
    • "" -tea332, just completely unprompted
    • "chimichangas, man" -mexican gingerbuff
    • "Poop! Just kidding" -child tea332
    • "not to yuck anybody else's yum" -tea332, referring to cuckoldry
    • "introspection can be pretty useful, unless you're r worded" -tea332 (dont worry they have the pass)
    • "best porn for first time fappers" -gingerbuff, to Google
    • "dont let the george droid bite" -tea 332
  • Duck