ON THIS PAGE???? EVERY song i have ever made, GOOD OR BAD!! in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER (newest first). the lil date is the date the audio file was made/exported \\\ smaller ones are ones im less proud of or demos :3

click those buttons -->

the interview (~13 min.)

CHECK OUT ALL THESE DEMOS that will eventually be finished & put on streaming serviecs VALENTINES DAY <33333 [songs will be updated/added as i make em!!]

suck my cock ernie keebler:

12/14/24 -- cool intro

fresnel curry:

12/27/24 -- alienspace ringtone

bucephalous bottle of root beer:

12/13/24 -- ily richard d james <3

testicular groove:

12/14/24 -- testicle ular

reconstructed club:

12/11/24 -- weird intro (gets cool)

castleing (demo):

12/31/24 -- needs moar


12/11/24 -- lookin at my ahh

arts and crafts:

1/7/25 -- top 1

the drums were made with a bowl of mac and cheese (working title):

1/7/25 -- guess what the drums were made out of

just laying here... waiting for the :playing pseudo-selector to become baseline.... sigh
spin "harper loves u <3" on spotify and shit :3