
hi :3

I don't like my homepage, cuz the performance is dog awful..So I'm reimplimenting all those cool effects over here (n making an effort to actually write decent, optimized code)

most recent changes/what I'm working on:
  • making the background effects work on all screen sizes at all resolutions
  • i gotta figure out how big i want this center box to be... ideally it'd be a 4:3 rectangle, but that's gonna look like dookie on mobile :/
  • readding the background filters
  • make background move with cursor

at this point, I'm trying to hyper-optimize what's here instead of finishing the site layout. Getting about 20fps on my chromebook, and that's not good enough! :3

I also need to get things up-to-speed on other browsers, cuz little parts of my CSS break on different browsers (mostly easy (if annoying) syntax fixes or slight workarounds)

Sat., Sept. 14th @ 8:10 AM

apparently, the hugest bottleneck for performance on low end devices is JAVASCRIPT. not just any javascript, but javscript that triggers a redraw. that makes a lotta sense, since on the mainpage, i have like 8 elements updating their style, INDIVIDUALLY, every frame.
You see, I noticed when opening dirt.cool on my chromebook, that the background rotate and spun just fine and all the filters worked perfectly and fluidly, and that only changed when I moved the mouse - triggering like 70 redraws.

What I've done differently to rememdy that is only setting two CSS variables in javascript, for the cursor's X and Y variables, and doing everything else in CSS. as much as I posssibly can. the result is very little compromise with WAY better performance! 20x cpu throttling is damn near usable, getting like 15 fps instead of 2.
what's next:
  • clicko
  • menu sidebar (i have a new idea for how it's gona look, it'll be sick i swear)

that is all :3
-Harper Lastname